Home / Investment & Operations / Investment & Operations / Inner Mongolia Yitai Guanglian Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. - Hongqinghe Coal Mine Mine Water ZLD BOO Project
Inner Mongolia Yitai Guanglian Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. - Hongqinghe Coal Mine Mine Water ZLD BOO Project

The Hongqinghe Coal Mine ZLD Project, undertaken by JINGYU Environment for Inner Mongolia Yitai Guanglian Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., is China's first Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD) project for mine water in the coal industry. Located on the edge of the Mawu Desert in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, the project is situated in an ecologically fragile area with low environmental carrying capacity. Due to the region's sensitive ecological status, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approval required a strict "zero discharge" approach for mine water treatment.


The project is a BOO (Build-Own-Operate) model with a daily treatment capacity of 14,400 m³/day. The treatment process incorporates pre-treatment, advanced treatment, and concentrate treatment to ensure that the final effluent meets the national Drinking Water Hygiene Standard (GB5749-2006), providing both production and domestic water for the coal mine. The high-salinity brine is treated via multi-effect evaporation and crystallization, producing high-purity chemical raw materials, including sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium sulfate (Na₂SO₄).


This project exemplifies a sustainable approach to mine water management, achieving 100% water recycling and zero discharge. It significantly reduces environmental impact, promotes resource conservation, and enhances operational cost efficiency. The project's success provides a technological benchmark for the implementation of China's ZLD environmental policy, supporting the coal sector's sustainable development goals.